

Keeping a multi-lingual, multi-cultural global workforce engaged in training that is not in their native language and context is indeed a challenge! This is where Infonative’s translation and localization services come in handy. It also protects the diversity and inclusivity of your organization.

Main Features

Relevant- Customized content delivery makes it relatable and relevant to audience

Engaging- Content that is presented in a native language lends a sense of belonging that keeps the learner highly engaged

Interactive- Hotspots, pop-ups, tabs and quizzes are available

Authentic- Content translated by native speakers who are familiar with the cultural differences and nuances of the target audience

Assessment- Informal knowledge checks and formally scored assessments are available

Process Description
Translation Direct conversion of text and audio from English to vernacular and vice versa
Localization Re-vamp existing course content to suit the local cultural context

When should I go for translation?

• When a large chunk of learners are in non-English speaking countries

• When the same content needs to be published across different languages

• When you want to quickly build courses in local languages

• For complex ideas and communication that need an emotive connect

When should I go for localization?

• When the same content needs to be published across different cultures

• When learners need seamless user experience across many geographies

• To avoid miscommunication of culture-specific, highly contextual content


Get started with Infonative


Case Study: How we helped a large Indian chemical production company to provide multilingual + animated online training to their factory workers -Related Blog Image
Case Study: How we helped a large Indian chemical production company to provide multilingual + animated online training to their factory workers

Our client is one of the largest chemical production companies in India with operations in Europe, North America, and Africa. Being a chemical production company, its manufacturing unit is a hazardous zone and requires its 8,000+ factory workers to observe extreme caution while working.

How we helped a large Indian FMCG company to provide a multi-lingual scenario-based eLearning course for anytime anywhere learning -Related Blog Image
How we helped a large Indian FMCG company to provide a multi-lingual scenario-based eLearning course for anytime anywhere learning

Our client is a large Indian FMCG company best known for its biscuit products. It is one of the oldest existing Indian companies specializing in the food industry with an employee strength of more than 15,000.

Case Study: How we helped a large Indian oil and gas multinational firm to provide a multi-lingual animated video-based eLearning course for anytime anywhere learning -Related Blog Image
Case Study: How we helped a large Indian oil and gas multinational firm to provide a multi-lingual animated video-based eLearning course for anytime anywhere learning

Our client is a large Indian Oil and Gas exploration and production firm with 563 vendors across multiple services. The organization accounts for more than a quarter of India's domestic crude oil production.
