

Want to have fun while learning? You have come to the right place! These are highly motivating learning experiences that are created by incorporating intricate elements of game mechanics within serious content.

Main Features

Interesting & Fun-filled- Courses are woven around a central theme with characters and situations in a game-like environment

Engaging- The sense of purpose embedded within the game theme keeps the learner highly engaged in the course

SCORM Based- They run seamlessly on all SCORM LMSs - both 1.2/2004 versions

Knowledge Checks- Knowledge checks are presented in the form of theme-based obstacles in the course

Assessment- Formally scored assessments are part of game-based courses as well

Features Description
Text: Visual 80:20
Learning Objective Knowledge, Comprehension, Application & Analysis
Usage of Media Animated custom illustrations & Character Animations, Scenarios
Percentage of Interactivity 80% of screens
Cost $$$$

Differences between Gamification and Game-based Learning


• Game elements are incorporated in a regular training module

• Rewards in the form of points, badges, levels, leaderboards indicate mastery of content

• Suited for on-boarding, product innovation, collaboration, and employee wellness programs

Game-based Learning

• Training takes the form of a game

• Progress in the game indicates mastery of content

• Suited for customer service training, policy review, team building etc.

When can I opt for game-based training?

• When you want to increase the engagement levels in a course

• When a large section of the audience belong to Millennials and Generation Z

• When there is a need to impart decision making skills in real life situations


Get started with Infonative


The Rise of Gamification in Learning -Related Blog Image
The Rise of Gamification in Learning

Education has gone through a metamorphosis. Education was confined to benches in classrooms and information shared by teachers. Today, it has grown to become a powerful tool which can be accessed from anywhere and be used to make oneself knowledgeable about any topic. The previous generations could not study and play at the same time. However, education has taken a turn where playing can also be learning. The digital age has ushered in a new era of education. Now you can learn while playing games. It does not have to be a burdensome task anymore.

Case Study: How we helped a leading oil and gas corporation to convert 21 days of training into just 8 days of training using the scenario and game based training approach -Related Blog Image
Case Study: How we helped a leading oil and gas corporation to convert 21 days of training into just 8 days of training using the scenario and game based training approach

Our client is a leading oil and gas corporation headquartered in the APAC region planning to convert their 21 day classroom training program into 8 days of training with 20 hours of elearning.

Case Study: How we helped a large Indian IT Services company to provide an adventurous gamified eLearning onboarding course based on a mountain trail journey for anytime anywhere learning -Related Blog Image
Case Study: How we helped a large Indian IT Services company to provide an adventurous gamified eLearning onboarding course based on a mountain trail journey for anytime anywhere learning

Our client is a large Indian IT Services company with a global presence and best-in-class delivery centers in India and abroad. With around 11K+ employees, it mainly operates in the areas of banking, insurance, financial and manufacturing services, and media and healthcare industry.
