

In today’s rapidly changing socio-economic conditions, government organizations need to become far more agile and adaptive to serve citizens effectively. To meet these challenges, public sector organizations increasingly depend on the use of technology and innovative practices as an indispensable part of their work.  Therefore, this industry relies heavily on training staff on the new methods of service delivery and operations.

Challenges In This Industry

Different skills are required by different departments in the government which have to be developed quickly to meet new demands. With no standard material, inconsistency of content delivered across different regions, shortage of senior officials who can double up as trainers, governments definitely need the support of digital technology to make its training standardized, efficient and accessible.

How Can Infonative Help?

Infonative has extensive experience in training for the government sector and is sensitive about its nature being high profile and under great scrutiny. Therefore, we endeavor to work with great detail and accountability on these projects.

• Skill development

• Process Training

• Technical Training

• Policies


Critical Success Factors

We at Infonative focus on the following critical aspects for the success of our training in the government sector

LMS Customer TrainingConsistent Direct Messaging

Consistent, direct messaging of laws and regulations

LMS Customer TrainingClear Articulation

Clear articulation on impact of legal violations

LMS Customer TrainingReal-Life Historical Cases

Provide real-life historical cases of non-compliance

LMS Customer TrainingMultiple Examples Design

Design multiple contextual examples

LMS Customer TrainingEmployees Tracking

All employees to be tracked on LMS to be certified for completion of training


Recommended Learning Strategies

We at Infonative focus on the following learning strategies for our training

LMS Customer TrainingInteractive Web-Based Training

Self-paced learning that staff can take at their convenience

LMS Customer TrainingVirtual Instructor-Led Classes

For expert guidance, clarifying questions and provide just-in-time feedback

LMS Customer TrainingGame-Based Learning

For increased engagement and motivation

LMS Customer TrainingInteractive Simulation-Based Learning

Step-by-step guided approach for your staff to learn and practice so that the original application is not tampered

Get started with Infonative