
Onboarding Training

It’s believed that up to 90% of employees solidify a decision to leave or stay in a company within their first six months of employment (Bauer, T. N., 2010).

That’s enough reason to make any employer give serious thought to implement highly effective New Hire Orientation(NHO) and Onboarding programs. 

What stops us then?

Effective NHO and onboarding programs are time consuming and expensive. But recruiting new employees to replace the ones you’ll lose is not just time and effort intensive, but substantially more expensive. It is roughly 1/3rdof the annual salary of an employee.

How Can Infonative Help?

Infonative has created over hundred hours of new hire orientation and onboarding programs for a variety of clients across industries – Banking, Government, IT, Manufacturing, Pharma etc. We follow a systematic approach of:

Assessing the current program to analyse gaps in terms of content, technical feasibility, duration, pedagogy and training delivery. 

Profiling audience keeping specific needs of new hires in mind, their access to devices and available hours for training exclusively – these details dictate whether the training can be fully self-paced, virtual instructor-led or a blended mode.

Articulating the to-be state in terms of design, length of the program, performance objective, geographic distribution etc.

Presenting an approach tailored to our client’s requirements that help employees to be productive sooner and can result in better retention.

Building a prototype to give a first-hand perspective of the output and then do full scale development once the prototype is approved.

Making the training courses translation friendly if any foreign or regional language translation or localization is required for a wider audience.


Critical Success Factors

We at Infonative focus on the following critical aspects for the success of our onboarding programs:

LMS Customer TrainingCreate a strong first impression

as it is the primary interaction of any new joiner with the company, we believe that it should be highly engaging, interactive and visually very appealing.

LMS Customer TrainingEffective articulation of Policies & Procedures

by simplifying the language for better comprehension and ensuring there is no ambiguity with the new ways of working in terms of policies and management systems.

LMS Customer TrainingReduction in Time-to-competency

helping new joiners understand their job roles and gain required knowledge and skills to perform at their jobs better in the shortest possible time.

LMS Customer TrainingOrganization Culture

this is a very important aspect of integrating a new employee to an organization and goes a long way in retention and performance.

LMS Customer TrainingEmployee Connect

providing a buddy whom they can depend on for informal learning goes a long way in getting them up to speed.


Recommended Learning Strategies

LMS Customer TrainingGamification

for increased engagement and motivation

LMS Customer TrainingSocial learning

for stronger connect 

LMS Customer TrainingMobile learning

for field & virtual staff

LMS Customer TrainingHigh-fidelity animation videos

for fast-paced, interesting and instant content delivery

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