

The telecommunications industry is always in a state of flux due to rapid changes in technology driving its products. Moreover, privatization, deregulation, competition, and the mounting increase in services delivered through the mobile platform makes it even more dynamic in today's world.

Challenges In This Industry

In such a dynamic scenario, there is always a large influx and turnover of employees. To make sure that the staff are apprised of changing technology, new product offerings and service parameters, training is highly sought after by companies in this industry.

How Can Infonative Help?

Infonative has extensive experience creating training for the telecommunication industry. We take pride in creating product training that coincide with the latest advancements in technology. For better retention on product and service knowledge, we have quick reference guides that sales staff can use for just-in-time need. Not only that, we also create other related training for the telecommunications industry such as:

• Technical Training

• Customer Service Training

• Regulatory Compliance Training

• Product Training


Critical Success Factors

We at Infonative focus on the following critical aspects for the success of our product training

LMS Customer TrainingCreate A Strong First Impression

As it is the primary introduction to the product for any staff, we believe that it should be highly engaging, interactive and visually very appealing for higher retention

LMS Customer TrainingEffective Articulation Of Technological Advances

By simplifying the language for better comprehension and ensuring there is no ambiguity with the new product so that they can answer questions with ease from the well-informed customer

LMS Customer TrainingReduction In Time-To-Competency

Helping sales staff get the required product knowledge and skills in the shortest possible time


Recommended Learning Strategies

LMS Customer TrainingMicro Learning

For quick reference and easy accessibility

LMS Customer TrainingMobile Learning

For field staff who are always on the move

LMS Customer TrainingHigh-Fidelity Animation Videos

For fast-paced, interesting and instant content delivery

LMS Customer TrainingGamification

For increased engagement and motivation

LMS Customer TrainingMulti-Lingual Interface

To cater to a wider, geographically dispersed workforce that interacts with their respective customer in regional dialect

Get started with Infonative