
Oil & Gas

The Oil & Gas industry is reinventing itself because of the uncertainty that prevails over the market. They are seriously looking at optimizing their resources, re-assessing their financial health, transforming their business models and adapt to new environmental, social, and governance requirements.

Therefore, companies in this sector no longer want to just train their employees on productivity methods; they are rather in need of multi-skilled workers to be able to handle a variety of tasks across upstream, midstream and downstream oil & gas production.

Challenges In This Industry

Due to a highly risky work environment, this industry witnesses significant labor challenges and lack of qualified trainers. It is at the same time crucial to make sure that the employees are appraised of safe operations and environment standards as much as they have to be trained on production. Therefore, a reliable training partner is of utmost importance in this industry.

How Can Infonative Help?

Infonative has extensive experience in training engineers, supervisors, managers, and operators in the oil & gas industry. For learning hard mechanical operations like drilling and oil mining, we use video simulations that staff can see and practice; for effective practice of safety precautions, we use real-life scenarios and case-study based assessments, We also train them on other relevant topics for this industry such as:

• Environmental Regulations

• Oil Exploration Training

• Facility Engineering

• Surface Operations

• Health and Safety Training

• Cross-cultural Training


Critical Success Factors

We at Infonative focus on the following critical aspects for the success of our training in the Oil & Gas industry

LMS Customer TrainingEngaging Interactive Courses

As the topics maybe monotonous, we believe that the courses should be highly engaging, interactive and visually very appealing for higher retention

LMS Customer TrainingRich Visual Depiction

As trainings in this industry deal with complex process and objects, we aim to make the trainings visually rich for a better conceptual understanding

LMS Customer TrainingEffective Articulation Of Environmental Policies

By simplifying the language for better comprehension and ensuring there is no ambiguity with the practices

LMS Customer TrainingReduction In Time-To-Competency

Helping employees get the required knowledge and skills in the shortest possible time


Recommended Learning strategies

LMS Customer TrainingVideo Based Simulations

Step-by-step guided approach for your staff to learn and practice so that the production environment is not hampered

LMS Customer TrainingRole/Scenario Based Courses

To create relatable situations for workplace safety

LMS Customer TrainingMobile Learning

For field staff who are always on site

LMS Customer TrainingHigh-Fidelity Animation Videos

For fast-paced, interesting and instant content delivery

LMS Customer TrainingSelf-Paced Trainings

Comprehensive self-paced training courses with interactivities, knowledge checks, assessments and certificates to ensure a thorough training experience

Get started with Infonative


Case Study: How we helped a leading oil and gas corporation to convert 21 days of training into just 8 days of training using the scenario and game based training approach -Related Blog Image
Case Study: How we helped a leading oil and gas corporation to convert 21 days of training into just 8 days of training using the scenario and game based training approach

Our client is a leading oil and gas corporation headquartered in the APAC region planning to convert their 21 day classroom training program into 8 days of training with 20 hours of elearning.

Case Study: How we helped a large Indian oil and gas multinational firm to provide a multi-lingual animated video-based eLearning course for anytime anywhere learning -Related Blog Image
Case Study: How we helped a large Indian oil and gas multinational firm to provide a multi-lingual animated video-based eLearning course for anytime anywhere learning

Our client is a large Indian Oil and Gas exploration and production firm with 563 vendors across multiple services. The organization accounts for more than a quarter of India's domestic crude oil production.
