Case Study: How we helped a large Indian chemical production company to provide multilingual + animated online training to their factory workers - MindScroll Blog Cover Image

Case Study: How we helped a large Indian chemical production company to provide multilingual + animated online training to their factory workers

Published 2 years ago by Sana Bhat

Client Profile

Our client is one of the largest chemical production companies in India with operations in Europe, North America, and Africa. Being a chemical production company, its manufacturing unit is a hazardous zone and requires its 8,000+ factory workers to observe extreme caution while working.

Business Challenge

  • The client wanted to educate its 8,000+ factory workers on the safety hazards at the production unit and how they needed to work to ensure their own safety and of others
  • A major challenge to be tackled was the complexity of the chemical production process which required more time and resources and included multiple steps

  • The training had to be designed that would be suitable for the client’s highly diverse workforce which included both skilled and unskilled workers from multiple regions

  • The client wanted training that could ensure a clear understanding of each safety hazard aspect for its factory workers who mostly lacked a strong educational background

Solution Designed 

  • A detailed discussion was held with SMEs for gathering their input to identify all the main safety hazard areas at the production unit

  • A multilingual online training was developed for the client’s diverse workforce which showcased the whole production process in detail and highlighted the key areas where the workforce was required to be cautious

  • An animated process flow was developed which clearly showed the process of the chemical manufacturing and its caution areas

  • Lastly, it was ensured that the online training included and clearly explained all the do’s and don’ts at each safety hazard area while working in the production unit

Business Impact

  • The client had an easily deployable online training for their staff

  • The time to the competency of the new joiners was significantly reduced

  • The overall safety ratio of the company staff was significantly improved

  • The training was successful in highlighting all the key safety hazards
  • The multilingual animated online training was effective in training the diverse workers 

Let us help design a highly efficient multilingual + animated online training for you!

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Read next: Case Study: How we helped a large insurance company in India to provide classroom presentations and online trainings to their channel sales partners

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